Yakushima Recreation Forest (Arakawa Area)
Elevation Lowest point: 950m / Mainly 950–1,000m / Highest point: 1,300m
Come face-to-face with the history of an ancient forest
as embodied by the Yakusugi cedars at this World Natural Heritage Site
Come face-to-face with the history of an ancient forest as embodied by the Yakusugi cedars at this World Natural Heritage Site
- Newest information
- Area
- Activities
- Overview
- Latest Information
- Usage Guide
- Facility
- Map
- Address
- Access
(Distances and times are
provided as a guide only) - Management office
contact details - Information on Other Local
Tourist Attractions - Official Tourist Information
- Recreation Forest
Management Committee - Supporters
- Other
- Newest information
- Gathering information in advance is important to safely enjoy forest recreation that brings you closer to nature.
・When you go out, please check local tourist and related information and gather information on road closures, weather conditions, etc.
- Area
- Kyushu
- Activities
- Flower-viewing Waterfall viewing Birdwatching Guided tours
- Overview
- Geographical/topographical features
- Yakushima is characterized by its unique topography formed by the uplift of granite and its diverse climate.In the center of the island are a series of mountains, the main peak of which is Mount Miyanoura (1936 m), the highest peak in Kyushu, and numerous rivers carve deep valleys through the mountainsides.The Arakawa Area is a Recreation Forest located about 16 km from Anbo at an elevation of 950 - 1300 m in the southeastern part of the island and is called Yakusugi Land.
- Historical/cultural features
- In the Edo period (1603–1868), Yakushima was under the control of the Shimazu clan, rulers of the Satsuma Domain . Today, this forest bears witness to Yakushima's industrial heritage: visitors can still see the remains of trial felling and the huge stumps of Yakusugi cedars felled to produce the flat timber paid as a land tax in feudal times, along with what are called domai-boku (trees that were felled, but left on the mountain, trees toppled by typhoons, and the stumps of felled trees).
The primeval Yakusugi cedar forest that stretches across the mountainside of Yakushima is nationally designated as a special natural monument.
The unique ecosystem and outstanding natural landscape of Yakushima were registered as a World Natural Heritage site in 1993. - Climate, flora and fauna
- Rainfall here is so plentiful that people say, “35 days’ worth of rain falls in a month.” This natural forest is a mixture of conifers and broad-leaved trees, which stand on ground covered with beautiful mosses.
- Attractions
- Visitors can choose from four trails, according to their level of fitness: the 30-minute short trail (Fureai-no-Michi), the 50-minute ancient forest trail (Inishie-no-Mori), the 80-minute trail via the riverbed with azalea trees (Tsutsujigawara), and the 150-minute Yakusugi forest trail (Yakusugi-no-Mori).
As the name suggests, this is the only forest on the island where visitors can view Yakusugi cedars, some of which are huge specimens, such as Sennen-sugi (Thousand-year-old Cedar), Buddha-sugi, Hahako-sugi (Mother-and-child Cedar), and Oda-sugi. Others with unusual names include Futago-sugi (Twin Cedars), Kuguri-sugi (Wicket-gate Cedar), and Hige-choro (Bearded Old Man). In addition, the stumps of felled Yakusugi cedars and traces of test felling dating back to feudal times can be seen, along with other Yakusugi cedars that lie on the ground after being felled either by nature or by man. There is also a virgin forest with immense specimens of momi, fir (Abies firma); tsuga, Japanese hemlock (Tsuga sieboldii); himeshara (Stewartia monadelpha); and yamaguruma (Trochodendron aralioides). It would thus be fair to say that this is a forest where visitors can learn about the history of humans’ relationship with the Yakusugi cedar forest. - Other
- * Due to elevation differences, each trail has hilly up-and-down sections.
* It is dangerous to attempt the walk in fashion shoes such as sandals or pumps. We recommend that you wear sports shoes or hiking boots when you visit.
* Please watch out for yamahiru, Japanese mountain leech (Haemadipsa zeylanica japonica).
* Dusk falls earlier in the mountains. Please take care to set off early (especially in winter).
- Latest Information
- Warnings
- ・Yamahiru, Japanese mountain leech (Haemadipsa zeylanica japonica) are present in this area throughout the year. Particular care is required in summer.
・Visitors must watch their footing on the hilly up-and-down sections of each trail.
It is dangerous to attempt the walk in fashion shoes such as sandals or pumps. Wear sports shoes or hiking boots.
Do not stray off the paths.
・The weather on Yakushima is highly changeable, due to the island's topography and other factors. Visitors must therefore make the necessary allowances in their plans, including preparing wet-weather gear and allowing for changes of schedule.
- Usage Guide
- Donation
- High school students and older: ¥500 per person (those who visit Yakusugi Land after visiting Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine can use the ¥200 discount ticket that they received at Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine)
Group discount: ¥400 per person for groups of 15 or more
Between 08: 30 and 16: 30, this donation is collected at the administration building. Outside these hours, please place your donation in the collection box provided for this purpose. - Opening seasons and hours
- Open 365 days a year May close if a severe weather warning is issued.
- Accommodation options
- There are accommodation facilities in various parts of Yakushima.
- Facility
- Toilets and drinking fountains Walking trail Parking lot Visitor center (staffed only) Shop Free public wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) Specimen forest/Botanic garden/Museum(Outside the forest Yakusugi Museum) World Heritage Site/Cultural Property (nationally designated) (Includes surrounding area)
- Map
- Address
- (Yakusugi Land) Anbo, Yakushima-cho, Kumage-gun, Kagoshima Prefecture
- Access
(Distances and times are provided as a guide only) -
- By public transport
<Access from nearest railway station / bus stop>
- Bus
- ・Bus: Gochomae → Anbo / Yakusugi Shizenkan (Museum) → Yakusugi Land (40 minutes) → Kigensugi Cedar (another 20 minutes)
- ・Miyanoura Port → Gochomae (35 minutes) Change buses Gochomae → Yakusugi Land
- * There are very few buses to Yakusugi Land, so please check details before setting off on your visit.
<Access from major transport hubs to nearest railway station / bus stop>- By air
- ・Kagoshima Airport → Yakushima Airport 30 minutes
- ・Fukuoka Airport → Yakushima Airport 1 hour
- ・Itami Airport (Osaka) → Yakushima Airport 1 hour 30 minutes
- High-speed ferry
- ・(Kagoshima Port → Miyanoura Port / Anbo Port) 2–3 hours (varies according to the route)
- Ferry
- ・(Kagoshima Port → Miyanoura Port) 4 hours
- ・Anbo Port → Anbo bus stop: 15 minutes on foot
- ・Airport → Gochomae: 10 minutes by bus
- By car
- ・Anbo → Pref. Route 77 → Pref. Route 592 (15 km / 40 minutes)
- ・Miyanoura → Pref. Route 77 → Pref. Route 592 (35 km / 60 minutes)
<Car parking capacity / parking charges>Yakusugi Land: space for 40 cars (free)
- Nearby tourist facilities
- ・15 minutes by car from Kigensugi Cedar to Yakusugi Land
- ・30 minutes by car from Yakusugi Museum to Yakusugi Land
- Management office contact details
Yakushima Forest Ecosystem Conservation CenterTEL:0997-42-0331
https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/kyusyu/yakusima_hozen_c/Yakushima District Forest OfficeTEL:0997-46-2111
- Information on Other Local Tourist Attractions
Yakusugi Museum [External link]Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Village Center [External link]
- Official Tourist Information
Yakushima Tourism Association [External link]Yakushima Municipal Office [External link]
- Recreation Forest Management Committee
Yakushima Recreation Forest Protection and Management Committee [External link]http://y-rekumori.com/
- Supporters
Asahi Breweries, Ltd. [External link]https://www.asahibeer.co.jp/news/2011/sd-5/kagoshima.html
- Other
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