Newest information
- 【Local Newest Information】
- 2023.11.27
- 【Notice】
The section of Route 66 Iwanai-Toya Route from Oikomi, Kyowa Town to Yunosato, Rankoshi Town has been closed in winter.
-For more information
Please visit
the Niseko town website [external link].
- 2023.11.27
- 【Notice】
The section of Route 58 from Kutchan Town Hanazono National Forest 12 Forest Group Gate to Niseko Town / Rankoshi Town (Goshiki Onsen) Gate) has been closed in winter.
-For more information
Please visit
the Niseko town website [external link].
- 【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
- 2023.11.8
- 【Sightseeing spot】Shirogane Blue Pond
Open: Year-round
Fee : Free
The Blue Pond is currently lit up in the evening until 9 pm.
*November: 5pm to 9pm
*December: 4: 30pm to 9pm
The starting time differs depending on each month, so please check
the Biei Town website [external link] for details.
*The event may be cancelled in case of bad weather. In such cases, information will be posted on the town website.
*During winter, the blue surface of the water cannot be seen due to snow accumulation.
- 2023.11.8
- 【Sightseeing spot】Shirahige Waterfalls
Open : Year-round / Fee: Free
Light Up Event→Year-round
-For more information
Biei Tourist Association HP (External links / Multilingual Support)
- 【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
- 2022.07.04
- 【Facility information】
Okupirikawa Onsen "Yama no Ie" has been closed since 2015 (Re-open date TBD).
The access road 999, Pirika Futamata Nature Recreation Village Line has been closed due to danger of falling rocks.
-For more information
Please visit the official website of
Imakane Town (External links)
<Contact details
City Planning Division, Imakane Town Office
TEL:0137-82-0111 (Only Japanese language available)
- 【Recreation Forest and Local Newest Information】
- 2023.11.13
- 【Notice】
The Shirakami Line (Prefectural Road 28) and the walking trail are currently closed for the winter season.
-For more information
Please visit
the Nishimeya/Shirakami Area Tourism Portal Site [external link].
- 【Recreation Forest and Local Newest Information】
- 2023.11.13
- 【Notice】
The Yunomaru-Takamine Forest Road will be closed for the winter from November 23, 2023 until the end of early May 2024.
-For more information
Please visit the Shinshu Toumi Tourist Association website [external link].
- 【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
- 2023.11.20
- 【Notice】
The Hakusan Park Line access road on the Gifu Prefecture side is currently closed for the winter.
-For more information
Please visit
the Hakusan Tourist Association website [external link].
- 【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
- 2023.11.13
- 【Notice】
The access road, Hakusan-Shirakawa-go White Road, is closed to winter traffic until early June 2024.
-For more information
Please visit
the official Hakusan Shirakawa-go White Road website [external link].
- 【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
- 2023.4.28
- 【Notice】
Some walking trails are closed due to fallen trees caused by typhoon number 21 last year.
Please visit
the website of the Osaka Prefecture [External links] for the latest information.
<Contact details
Osaka Agricultural and Greenery Office (Forestry Division)
Tel 072-627-1121 (Extension 432/ Only Japanese language available)
Fax 072-623-4321
- 2023.4.28
- 【Notice】
Minoh Yamanami Net [External link / Only Japanese language version available] is full of information on the Minoh Forest, including events and the latest information. Please check it.
<Contact details
NPO Minoh-sanroku Conservation Committee Secretariat
Tel 072-724-3615 (Only Japanese language available)
Fax: 072-724-3615
- 【Local Newest Information】
- 2023.9.4
- 【Notice】
Fuukasou Autocamp Site has been renewed to a campground with a dog run.
-For more information
Please visit the official website of
Shiso Tourism Guide [External links]
- 【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
- 2024.1.11
- 【Notice】
Inoyae Gorge is currently accessible up to the Goju-no-taki Falls.
Please check the walking map (PDF:544KB) for details.
<Contact details:
Kitago Town Community Development Center, Nichinan City
- 【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
- 2024.1.18
- 【Notice】
Hobashira Campsite was closed due to the city road Hobashira Ogura Route 1 being closed due to heavy rain in August 2021, but it is available for use from January 6, 2024 (Saturday). For the time being, only day camp will be available.
-For more information
Please visit the official website of
Kitakyushu City (External links)
- 【Recreation Forest and Local Newest Information】
- 2023.7.31
- 【Notice】
Gokase Highland Ski Resort will be closed for the 2024 season due to the restoration of the access road to the ski resort.
-For more information
Please visit the official website of
Gokase Highland Ski Resort (External links)
- 【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
- 2022.7.12
- The wooden path at the end of the Utara Trail in the Urauchi River area is off-limits beyond the sign due to severe decay.
Please refer to the park map(PDF: 125KB) for details.
<Contact details
Okinawa District Forest Office
TEL: 098-918-0210
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