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Niseko Shinsennuma Marsh

【Local Newest Information】

The section of Route 66 Iwanai-Toya Route from Oikomi, Kyowa Town to Yunosato, Rankoshi Town has been closed in winter.
-For more information
Please visit icon_rink-rekumori.jpgthe Niseko town website [external link].
The section of Route 58 from Kutchan Town Hanazono National Forest 12 Forest Group Gate to Niseko Town / Rankoshi Town (Goshiki Onsen) Gate) has been closed in winter.
-For more information
Please visit icon_rink-rekumori.jpgthe Niseko town website [external link].


【Recreation Forest Newest Information】

【Sightseeing spot】Shirogane Blue Pond
Open: Year-round
Fee : Free
The Blue Pond is currently lit up in the evening until 9 pm.
*November: 5pm to 9pm
*December: 4: 30pm to 9pm 
The starting time differs depending on each month, so please check icon_rink-rekumori.jpgthe Biei Town website [external link] for details.
*The event may be cancelled in case of bad weather. In such cases, information will be posted on the town website.
*During winter, the blue surface of the water cannot be seen due to snow accumulation.

【Sightseeing spot】Shirahige Waterfalls
Open : Year-round / Fee: Free
Light Up Event→Year-round
-For more information
icon_rink-rekumori.jpgBiei Tourist Association HP (External links / Multilingual Support)

Pirika Futamata

【Recreation Forest Newest Information】

【Facility information】
Okupirikawa Onsen "Yama no Ie" has been closed since 2015 (Re-open date TBD).
The access road 999, Pirika Futamata Nature Recreation Village Line has been closed due to danger of falling rocks.
-For more information
Please visit the official website of icon_rink-rekumori.jpgImakane Town (External links)

<Contact details
City Planning Division, Imakane Town Office
TEL:0137-82-0111 (Only Japanese language available)

Shirakami-Sanchi Anmon Falls

【Recreation Forest and Local Newest Information】

The Shirakami Line (Prefectural Road 28) and the walking trail are currently closed for the winter season.
-For more information
Please visit icon_rink-rekumori.jpgthe Nishimeya/Shirakami Area Tourism Portal Site [external link].



Nibetsu (Nibetsu Kokumin-no-Mori)

【Recreation Forest Newest Information】

The Nibetsu Forest Museum has closed for the season due to heavy rain mainly in the Tohoku region, and because there is no way to restore the damaged forest roads.
For more information, please visit the Tohoku Regional Forest Office website [external link].
"Nibetsu forest road" is closed due to heavy rain in July, 2023.
It is expected to take several years to restore the road. 
Road closure point : Nibetsu forest road entrance(PDF : 1,742KB)






 【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
From April, 2022【Road Information】
"Kurokura forest road" is closed to all traffic including walker.
For more information, please check here(PDF : 929KB).
Reference : Tokyo/Kanagawa District Forest Office


【Recreation Forest and Local Newest Information】

The Yunomaru-Takamine Forest Road will be closed for the winter from November 23, 2023 until the end of early May 2024.
-For more information
Please visit the Shinshu Toumi Tourist Association website [external link].




【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
Ontakesan Volcanic Warning (Japan Meteorological Agency)

Hida Hakusan Shirakawa-go

【Recreation Forest Newest Information】

The Hakusan Park Line access road on the Gifu Prefecture side is currently closed for the winter.
-For more information
Please visit icon_rink-rekumori.jpgthe Hakusan Tourist Association website [external link].


【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
Due to Fallen trees, Waking Trails(From Kiyomizu-dera Temple Jojuin to Kyoto Trail) is closed until recovery (PDF:1973KB).

Jadani Valley

【Recreation Forest Newest Information】

The access road, Hakusan-Shirakawa-go White Road, is closed to winter traffic until early June 2024.
-For more information
Please visit icon_rink-rekumori.jpgthe official Hakusan Shirakawa-go White Road website [external link].

Meiji-no-Mori Minoh

【Recreation Forest Newest Information】
Some walking trails are closed due to fallen trees caused by typhoon number 21 last year.
Please visit icon_rink-rekumori.jpgthe website of the Osaka Prefecture [External links] for the latest information.
<Contact details
Osaka Agricultural and Greenery Office (Forestry Division)
Tel 072-627-1121 (Extension 432/ Only Japanese language available)
Fax 072-623-4321
icon_rink-rekumori.jpgMinoh Yamanami Net [External link / Only Japanese language version available] is full of information on the Minoh Forest, including events and the latest information. Please check it.
<Contact details
NPO Minoh-sanroku Conservation Committee Secretariat
Tel 072-724-3615 (Only Japanese language available)
Fax: 072-724-3615


【Local Newest Information】
Fuukasou Autocamp Site has been renewed to a campground with a dog run.
-For more information
Please visit the official website of icon_rink-rekumori.jpgShiso Tourism Guide [External links] 



Inohae-no-Taki Falls

【Recreation Forest Newest Information】

Inoyae Gorge is currently accessible up to the Goju-no-taki Falls.
Please check the walking map (PDF:544KB) for details.
<Contact details:
Kitago Town Community Development Center, Nichinan City


【Recreation Forest Newest Information】

Hobashira Campsite was closed due to the city road Hobashira Ogura Route 1 being closed due to heavy rain in August 2021, but it is available for use from January 6, 2024 (Saturday). For the time being, only day camp will be available.
-For more information
Please visit the official website of icon_rink-rekumori.jpgKitakyushu City (External links)

Mukozaka-yama (Mt. Mukozaka)

【Recreation Forest and Local Newest Information】

Gokase Highland Ski Resort will be closed for the 2024 season due to the restoration of the access road to the ski resort.
-For more information
Please visit the official website of icon_rink-rekumori.jpgGokase Highland Ski Resort (External links)


【Recreation Forest Newest Information】

The wooden path at the end of the Utara Trail in the Urauchi River area is off-limits beyond the sign due to severe decay.
Please refer to the park map(PDF: 125KB) for details.
<Contact details
Okinawa District Forest Office
TEL: 098-918-0210

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