Iwakuni Recreation Forest
Elevation Lowest : 10m / Average : 200–300m / Highest : 300m (Shiroyama)
Iwakuni Recreation Forest ― a great place for everyone to appreciate nature, history, and culture
Iwakuni Recreation Forest ― a great place for everyone to appreciate nature, history, and culture
- Newest information
- Area
- Activities
- Overview
- Latest Information
- Usage Guide
- Facility
- Map
- Address
- Access
(Distances and times are
provided as a guide only) - Management office
contact details - Information on Other Local
Tourist Attractions - Official Tourist Information
- Recreation Forest
Management Committee - Supporters
- Other
- Newest information
- Gathering information in advance is important to safely enjoy forest recreation that brings you closer to nature.
・When you go out, please check local tourist and related information and gather information on road closures, weather conditions, etc.
- Area
- Kinki Chugoku
- Activities
- Flower-viewing (cherry (Prunus)) (Outside the forest) Autumn leaf viewing (Outside the forest) Waterfall viewing (Outside the forest) Birdwatching (Includes surrounding area) Picnics (lawn area/park) (Includes surrounding area) Paddling / fishing / boating (pond / lake / river) (Outside the forest) (Payment required for use of facilities and participation in activities) Canyoning (River trekking) (Outside the forest) : 1 location in the vicinity (Payment required for use of facilities and participation in activities) Cycling (cycle path) (Outside the forest) Guided tours (Includes surrounding area) : Advance application required (Payment required) (Foreign language signs/pamphlets available) Hands-on forestry / woodworking experience (Outside the forest) (Payment required) Hot Spring (Outside the forest) : 4 locations Tokotoko Train (sightseeing trolley train) traveling on the former roadbed of JR Gannichi Line (Outside the forest) (Payment required for use of facilities and participation in activities) Botanical garden (Outside the forest) : 3 locations Shrine / Temple visit (Includes surrounding area)
- Overview
- Geographical/topographical features
- The Recreation Forest is on an independent mountain with a relatively moderate slope in a hilly area about 150 m above sea level, located to the west of the Kintaikyo Bridge in eastern Yamaguchi Prefecture. Rather hilly terrain is also found on the eastern slope (the Kintaikyo Bridge side) of the ridge.
- Historical/cultural features
- The forest was banned from entry for a long time since the destruction of the Iwakuni Castle as a result of the Edo shogunate's order "ikkoku ichijyo rei" (allowing one castle per domain) to destroy all castles other than those of feudal lords. It was protected as the Kikkawa family's domain-owned forest until it was transferred to the State in the Meiji Period (the late 19th century).
The Kintaikyo Bridge that hangs over the Nishiki River at the foot of the mountain is a five-span arch bridge built in 1673 by Kikkawa Hiroyoshi, the feudal lord of the Iwakuni Domain. Although the bridge was washed out by a typhoon in 1950, it was rebuilt in 1953. When the bridge was renovated in the Heisei Period over three years from 2001, out of the 410m3 of wood used,120m3 of Kiso Hinoki (natural Hinoki (Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtuse)) grown in the Kiso and Urakiso regions) and 30m3 of Aomori Hiba (Thujopsis dolabrata Sieb. et Zucc. var. hondai Makino) were supplied from the national forest.
The area of Shiroyama, where the recreation forest spreads, and Iwakuni Castle Town has been selected as an Important Cultural Landscape. - Climate, flora and fauna
- The area has a temperate Setonaikai climate with an average annual temperature of 15 to 16°C and little precipitation and hardly any snow with an annual rainfall of about 1,500 mm. The Recreation Forest is a natural forest mainly consisting of evergreen broad-leaved trees including chinquapin trees (Castanopsis) and Kashi (evergreen oak (Quercus)). As many as 210 varieties of trees, 350 varieties of flowers, and 100 varieties of ferns have been found in the forest. Since the broad-leaved forest provides an ideal habitat for wild birds, about 60 species of wild birds can be observed throughout the year at Shiroyama and the Nishiki River at the foot of the mountain.
- Attractions
- The Recreation Forest is located near an urban area. The green of the evergreen trees, the limpid Nishiki River that flows at the base of the mountain where Ayu (Ayu sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846))) swim and Kajikagaeru (Kajika frog (Buergeria buergeri (Temminck and Schlegel, 1838))) croak, and the Kintaikyo Bridge, which is one of Japan's three unique bridges, together show splendid seasonal beauty in harmony.
- Other
- The Momijidani Park, the Kikko Park, and the Kintaikyo Bridge at the foot of the mountain are famous tourist spots. Also, facilities such as the Iwakuni Castle, parks, footpaths, and ropeway are available in the Recreation Forest. From the summit, you can have a view of the Kintaikyo Bridge and the old castle town, as well as islands of the Setonaikai Sea in the far distance. The old castle town at the foot of the mountain offers various cultural sites including the Kikko Shrine, which is a nationally designated important cultural property, the Mekata Residence, which is an old samurai residence, and the Iwakuni Choko-kan Museum, which is a modern Western building constructed during World War II.
Due to the good public transport accessibility, the Recreation Forest attracts visitors of all generations from in and outside Japan for various outdoor and educational activities including hiking, birdwatching, and visitation of ruins.
- Latest Information
- Information on temporarily unavailable facilities
- Website of the Iwakuni City Tourism Promotion Office
- Regular events
- Various events can be enjoyed in the vicinity throughout the year, including excursion boats in spring and autumn, Kintaikyo Bridge illumination, ukai (cormorant fishing), and Iwakuni clan firearms troop training showcases. (For details, please see the website of the Iwakuni City Tourism Promotion Office)
- Warnings (Flora and fauna)
- Mamushi (Japanese pit viper (Gloydius blomhoffii)): Please watch out for vipers, which favor damp places.
Suzumebachi (hornets (Vespidae)): Please watch out for hornets during their active season (particularly from spring to autumn). Do not try to drive them away with you hand even if they come close to you. If you happen to approach a hive by mistake, back away slowly. - Warnings (Dangerous areas)
- Please keep out of areas outside the footpaths and off-limits areas such as air-raid shelters (see the drawing) in the Recreation Forest.
- Usage Guide
- Entrance fee
- Free of charge (Fees are required for using facilities such as the ropeway and the Kintaikyo Bridge)
- Opening seasons and hours
- Accessible 24 hours a day
- Accommodation options
- Accommodations are available around the Kintaikyo Bridge and in Iwakukni City
- Facility
- Toilets (Includes surrounding area) : 13 locations Toilet (accessible) (Includes surrounding area) : 10 out of the 13 locations Footpath (Includes surrounding area) : 5 routes Bike trail (Outside the forest) Parking lot (Outside the forest) (Payment required) Observation platform : 1 location Visitor center (staffed only) : Honke Matsugane (Outside the forest) Vending machine (Includes surrounding area) Shop (Outside the forest) Restaurant (Outside the forest) Campsite and/or cabins (Outside the forest) : Yasaka Campsite (Payment required for use of facilities and participation in activities) Free public wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) (Includes surrounding area) : 10 locations Botanic garden (Outside the forest) : 3 locations Resource center / Museum / Art museum (Outside the forest) : 6 locations (Payment required for use of facilities and participation in activities) Cultural Property(nationally designated) (Includes surrounding area) Accommodation facilities (Hotels/Japanese inns) (Outside the forest)
- Map
- Address
- Yokoyama, Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
- Access
(Distances and times are provided as a guide only) -
- By public transport
<Access from nearest railway station / bus stop>
- About 10 minutes on foot (about 0.8 km) from the Kintaikyo bus stop
<Access from major transport hubs to nearest railway station / bus stop>- ・Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport (bus bound for Shin-Iwakuni Station: about 10 minutes) → bus bound for Kintaikyo: about 20 minutes → get off at the Kintaikyo bus stop
- ・Shin-Iwakuni Station (JR Sanyo Shinkansen) → bus bound for Kintaikyo: about 15 minutes → get off at the Kintaikyo bus stop
- ・Iwakuni Station (JR San-yo Line) → bus bound for Kintaikyo: about 20 minutes → get off at the Kintaikyo bus stop
- ・Nishi-Iwakuni Station (JR Gantoku Line) → bus bound for Kintaikyo: about 4 minutes → get off at the Kintaikyo bus stop
- By car
- ・San-yo Expressway (Iwakuni IC) → Route 2: about 10 minutes → Kintaikyo Shimogawara Parking Lot
- ・Chugoku Expressway (Muikaichi IC) → Route 187: about 70 minutes → Kintaikyo Shimogawara Parking Lot
<Car parking capacity / parking charges>・Kintaikyo Shimogawara Parking Lot (the parking capacity changes depending on the water level of the river)
Parking capacity: 400―500 ordinary vehicles
Parking charge: 300 yen per day per vehicle during the cherry-viewing season and the Golden Week and on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays during March through May and September through November
・Yokoyama Kasenjiki Athletic Field Parking Lot (a temporary parking lot for the cherry-viewing season and the Golden Week)
Parking capacity: 900 ordinary vehicles
Parking charge: 300 yen per day per vehicle during the cherry-viewing season and the Golden Week - Nearby tourist facilities
- Kintaikyo Bridge, Iwakuni Castle, Iwakuni Castle Ropeway, Kikkawa Museum, Shirayama Hime Jinja Shrine, Kikko Shrine, Kin'unkaku Pavilion, Iwakuni Art Museum, Iwakuni Choko-kan Museum, Mekata Residence, etc.
- Management office contact details
Yamaguchi Forest Administration OfficeTEL:(IP) 050-3160-6155, (NTT) 083-922-0386
- Information on Other Local Tourist Attractions
Iwakuni Tourist Association [External link]Iwakuni Volunteer Tour Guide Association [External link]
- Official Tourist Information
Tourism Promotion Division, Industry Promotion Department, Iwakuni Municipal Office [External link]
- Recreation Forest Management Committee
Iwakuni Shiroyama Forest Environment Improvement Committee
Tourism Promotion Division, Industry Promotion Department, Iwakuni Municipal OfficeTEL:0827-29-5116
- Supporters
- ー
- Other
- ー